Participation in the Scout Symposium


The registration is done online through the following form. Please register online for the meeting before 3rd February 2022. 
Applications will have to be accompanied by the letter of International Commissioner.

The event is designed to accept up to 120 participants. If there is a need for bigger delegation, please contact the organisers. Priority will be given to have the largest number of different countries represented.

Participation Fee

The participation fee is EUR 250 /person (in shared rooms). The fee covers all accommodation from Friday to Sunday as well as meals from breakfast on Saturday and including lunch on Sunday and return train ticket from Zürich, Geneva or Basel Airports to Kandersteg. It also covers programme materials and documentation and COVID-19 related measures such as tests upon arrival, and available throughout the event and extra room in case of isolation needed. Local transport from Kandersteg train station to KISC (by public bus) is free for those wearing a scout scarf.

To facilitate access to this event, the European Scout Region will support EUR 125 of the participation fees (50%) available for a maximum of 2 participants per NSO or 1 per NSA – whichever is larger.

Additionally, as per the decision of the European Scout Committee to provision reserves to provide financial support to NSO/NSAs in their participation to our Regional Events, additional funding will be made available for those MOs requiring support. This process is currently being finalised but any NSO/NSA which might require this support can summarise its request through the Online Application Form – available through the application online form linked above. The requests will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Guests staying beyond or outside of the event dates will be required to create their own separate bookings. Bookings outside these dates will fall under KISC’s General Terms and Conditions and be subject to the standard prices found on the website

Travel arrangements

Please note that completion of the application form does not necessarily mean that applicants are accepted onto the event. Please do not book travel until participants have been selected and have been advised in an acceptance letter that will be sent by the 15th of February 2022. Early application will mean early acceptance!

If you require an official invitation to obtain a visa, please indicate this clearly on the online application form. Please be aware, that it may take more than three weeks to obtain a visa.


The European Scout Region of WOSM does not cover the risks of participants, neither during the event, nor during the travel to or from the venue. Please note that it is the exclusive responsibility of the participant’s national association to check and be sure that the risks of participants are covered by insurance (illness, accidents, repatriation etc…).

COVID-19 Measures

For the moment, we plan to hold the event face-to-face. However, the Region is closely monitoring the situation and alternative plans are prepared.
With the support of the WSB Europe Support Centre, dedicated measures and sanitary protocol will be put in place to ensure a safe event. The planning team will share, together with the participation confirmation, all associated measures that each participant will need to agree and comply with for the whole duration of the training. Participants are responsible to be acquainted with the shared resources and the restrictions of their departing country and make sure that they comply with the requirements enabling their full participation to the event. The situation will most likely develop further from now to March and updates provided accordingly. Please check the most relevant information on the Swiss Ministry of Health website. 

Upon arrival you will be asked to make a quick COVID Antigen test, provided by the organisers.